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LightLouver Daylighting System
500 South Arthur Avenue, Suite 400
Louisville, CO 80027

Tel : 303.444.8773
Fax: 866.929.8991
Contact: Bob Stephan

Michael J. Holtz, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP, Founder and CEO
Zack Rogers, PE, IESNA, LEED AP, Founder and Director of Engineering
Bob Stephan, Director of Operations

The LightLouver Daylighting System provides daylighting and solar control in one remarkable product. Using a patented, passive optical design, the LightLouver Daylighting System redirects daylight deep into the space while eliminating glare and all direct sunlight penetration onto work surfaces – providing excellent daylighting and solar control for east, west and south facing fenestration in new and existing buildings. Integrated into the building fenestration design, the LightLouver Daylighting System provides uniform ambient lighting, enabling electric lights to be turned off or dimmed. Mounted inside the building, directly adjacent to the daylight glazing, the LightLouver units are protected from the weather, and pivot to enable cleaning of the daylight glazing. The LightLouver Daylighting System eliminates the need for costly and unsightly exterior of interior light shelves and provides superior daylighting performance.

Product Categories:
08600 Skylights, Roof Windows + Greenhouses
08650 Daylighting
10530 Awnings, Canopies + Sun Control
12260 Interior Daylighting Devices



Showrooms / Distributors:
The LightLouver Daylighting System is sold directly by LightLouver LLC and through a network of independent sales representatives.
Locate a Sales Representative

Green Green Products
Manassas Park Elementary School - Manassas Park, Virginia. Architect: VMDO Architects. Typical classroom with LightLouver units in continuous 'daylight' windows above 'view' windows.
Manassas Park Elementary School - Manassas Park, Virginia. Courtyard between classroom wings.
Manassas Park Elementary School - Manassas Park, Virginia. Close up of LightLouver units in the 'daylight' windows with horizontal overhang below to shade the 'view' windows.
NREL Research Support Facility - Golden, Colorado. Architect: RNL Design. LightLouver units in 'daylight' portion of windows on right redirecting daylight deep into the open office area.
NREL Research Support Facility - Golden, Colorado. Close up of south facing windows and solarwall. LightLouver units located in 'daylight' portion of the windows.
Old National Bank Corporate Headquarters - Evansville, Indiana. Architect: HOK. South-facing facade showing 'daylight' windows above the 'view' windows with manually controlled window shades.
Old National Bank Corporate Headquarters - Evansville, Indiana. South facade of the building showing unitized curtain-wall with LightLouver units in 'daylight' windows.
Suncor Energy Office - Commerce City, Colorado. Architect: Intergroup Architects. View from circulation corridor into open office area. LightLouver units mounted in 'daylight' windows on right.
Suncor Energy Office - Commerce City, Colorado. View of enclosed offices with transom windows, which allow sunlight reflected from LightLouver units to daylight interior office space.
Suncor Energy Office - Commerce City, Colorado. View of south facade with LightLouver units located in the 'daylight' windows of the first and second floors.
Metropolitan Park Office Complex - Arlington, Virginia. Architect: ZGF Architects. Perspective of the Office Complex and the adjacent park. Over 7,000 LightLouver units were installed.
Metropolitan Park Office Complex - Arlington, Virginia. Construction phase view of the LightLouver units installed on a typical office floor.
Xilinx Development Center - Longmont, Colorado. Architect: DTJ Design. LightLouver Daylighting System provides daylighting and solar control throughout the 40 foot deep office areas.
Xilinx Development Center - Longmont, Colorado. South façade with ‘daylight’ windows with LightLouver units, 'vision’ windows and horizontal overhangs over ‘vision’ windows.
Federal Office Building - Chamblee, Georgia. Architect: Beck. Typical office floor with LightLouver units located in the ‘daylight’ windows reflecting sunlight across the ceiling.
Federal Office Building - Chamblee, Georgia. South façade with LightLouver units positioned in the ‘daylight’ windows located above the horizontal overhangs with the shaded ‘vision, windows below.
Brands / Products:
LightLouver™ Daylighting System
LightLouver Description
Daylighting Primer

New Products:
Current design is a 3rd generation product based on LightLouver LLC’s patented passive optical reflective slat design. A daylight film is under development.

Green Statement/Products:
The LightLouver Daylighting System is an essential part of an effective strategy to achieve low and zero-energy commercial buildings. Electric lighting in commercial buildings accounts for 40% of the total electricity used in the commercial building sector and 15% of total electricity use in the United States.
Energy Savings
LightLouver vs. Photovoltaics


Project Portfolio
Comparitive Normalized Cost
Illuminance Contribution
Evaluation of Four Side Daylighting Strategies
Technical Links:
Construction Specifications
Performance Specifications
Design Integration Guidelines
Design Assistance Services

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